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Texte à corriger de l'utilisateur Nira

Yesterday I used for the first time a grill that a friend of mine gave me almost a year ago. It's an electric grill. It was still in its box. When I got the present I was not sure if I was happy with that. Of course, my friend's intentions were the best, but would I use this big grill ever? I'm still learning how to cook.
Anyway, yesterday I decided to try it. And, you know? I really like it. I made potatos with salt and a little bit of olive oil, and robalo fish, a thick juicy fish fillet. I seasoned the fish with just lemon, salt, pepper and olive oil. Yummy.... It got really tasty.
I prepared the dish as a surprise to my boyfriend. He liked it.
I like cooking, although I am still learning. It's a very good feeling when someone enjoys the food you prepared.
langue: Anglais   Connaissance des langues: Locuteur natif, Compétence, Avancé, Intermédiaire supérieur

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