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Texte à corriger de l'utilisateur _Lili_

Nowadays, many people have the opportunit­y to travel around the world for several reasons: beacuse of their job, because of university or simply because they want to visit other countries.
These journeys help not only to meet new people and visit new countries, but also to meet new cultures, which can help travellers to develop. There are many population­s who live in different situations both inside and outside Europe; so, people, who visit them, can see different lifestyles and try to learn some behaviours in order to develop and open their own mind. On the one hand, population­s of Northern Europe, such as Norway or Finland, or of North America are more developed than Italy both in technologi­cal and in scientific fields. Many people travel in these countries especially for study reasons, such as university degrees or postgradua­te works. For example, many astrophysi­cs students or researcher­s decide to specialize in these places, because of better job opportunit­ies and better salaries. On the other hand, people, who visit countries such as India or Africa, meet situations which are often difficult and sad; what they learn here is to live without material objects and rely only on feelings and emotions, especially in the poorest zones. Here life is hard and natives survive with the least. In effect, people don't visit these places for fun, but because they want to help poor population­s and understand how they can live in these hard situations. Usually, when they come back, they cannot be the same anymore; for example, people, who return from Africa, suffer from “Mal d'Afrique” and the memory of what they live remains in their mind forever. In conclusion, people who have the opportunit­y must travel and must know new cultures and take part in the life of these population­s. This is the only way to develop and understand how to improve our life and the life of other people. «People don't take trips... Trips take people» says one of the most beautiful quotes by John Steinbeck, winner of the Nobel prize in 1962.
langue: Anglais   Connaissance des langues: Locuteur natif, Compétence

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