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Texte à corriger de l'utilisateur Hamilton

It's a little bit cruel just reject people because of the country that they are from, religion, sexuality, skin colour, ect 'cause at the end we all live in the same place...
langue: Anglais   Connaissance des langues: Locuteur natif, Compétence, Avancé
Hamilton:  Please correct my writing

Rectifié Felipe2

It's a little bit cruel just to reject people because of the country they are from, their religion, their sexuality, their skin color, etc, because in the end we all live in the same place...
Felipe2:  Agree

Rectifié aura

It's a little bit cruel to reject people just because of the country that they are from, their religion, sexuality, skin colour, etc. , 'cause at the end of the day we all live in the same place.

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