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Texte à corriger de l'utilisateur ziawj2

I am writing to express my awful sorry for the will-be absence from your birthday party. Although we are too close as to say any apology to each other, I do feel sorry that I can not attend your birthday party, and stand next to you at the important moment when you make birthday wishes and blow your birthday candles. As you see, I am not doing this on purpose. My father has been in the ill-bed in the past few days, and needs constant care for the following week.
I hope that you are not mad at me when reading this latter. Of cause, I will call you on your birthday and give you the birthday present, although not face in face, the gift is still conveying the best wishes in the world towards you. We will make it up after the recovery of my father Ok?
langue: Anglais   Connaissance des langues: Locuteur natif, Compétence

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